Wednesday 22 May 2013

Terror Development

I thought I would take a step back and resume development on the antagonist, the Terror. Whilst I already have a definition of what it looks like, I have no definite set design yet.

They all follow a similar pattern in that they have four spikes on their head and have four eyes. But I was going for a different aesthetic each time.

From left to right is a more developed idea of what I had down which I think is the one I prefer the most. Spikey, skeletal, volcanic, jagged, this is the kind of appearance I envisioned. The skull is a little round and that may have to change because it contrasts with the straight lines found everywhere else but otherwise it is a good concept.

The next one to the right I took inspiration directly from Aku from Samurai Jack; having a sort of cloaked figure. I also really like this design but I felt it was a little too straight forward or boring, and I didn't want to make it look like it was wearing clothes; it detracts from the 'intelligent beast' aesthetic I'm aiming for.

The next one is a more dramatic and exaggerated version of the first; more skeletal, perhaps too skeletal, and too thin; it looks like it has no real mass at all. But I may introduce the ribcage design somehow and I like the jaw a little better.

The last one I'm not so sure of; I thought of giving it random tubes or vines connecting parts of it's body to other parts but it makes it look more like a natural giant or a man-made mechanical construct, and it is supposed to be a very unnatural and certainly not a man made thing.

I will probably develop the first idea further but I am glad I explored the other ideas, at least - I was able to confirm that the initial idea was the one that stuck and the one I want to progress with.

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