Wednesday 22 May 2013

Monster Development

I have come up with some additional criteria I want my monster character to fulfill. Naturally I've drawn some inspiration from the Balrog of Morgoth from Lord of the Rings, though I'm trying to differ as much as possible. The monster has volcanic, obsidian body and a foggy / smoky atmosphere surrounds it, rendering most of it's legs invisible. It has a very skeletal structure or body, and this is to suggest that the creature isn't necessarily alive, but perhaps just an animated, volcanic structure, given humanoid form.

The humanoid form is to suggest that the creature has some degree of free will or thought, though, as if it had an intelligence of it's own. Whilst I'm not sure how I'll portray this characteristic through the animation perhaps something will become available  It is a character trait I will keep in mind and if at all possible, demonstrate.

I came up with the idea that there are many different kinds of these monsters which I have taken to calling Ethereal Terrors; the first word suggesting they come from another world or planet - which seems likely to the inhabitants of the world the story is set, and the second word describes the feelings they inspire. There are different Ethereal Terrors relating to different elements and the element has some effect on how they behave.

Water Terrors reside beneath and within the deepest oceans and so they can rarely be disturbed, but they are known to cause massive storms. Sky Terrors hide amongst the clouds and occasionally cause thunderstorms and tornados. Earth Terrors create volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. But then there are Fire Terrors who are known to be the worst of the lot, and they can only be born when terror and fear are experienced by a great number of living beings in the presence of a great flame. The flames take on a physical form and the Fire Terror is born, and it's only ambition is to set the world ablaze with no prejudice between, earth, air or water-based civilizations.

The Terrors are blamed for nearly all natural disasters, since in this pre-modern and magical world, there is little to suggest how these things occur, and it is true that it is probably their fault. There are so few of them left that they occur about as often as they do here in the real world.

All conclusion I think my monster character is beginning to take shape and form though I will still need to refine some details.

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