Wednesday 22 May 2013

Mage Character

The role this character will play will be in the animation, as one of the mages at the monastery making his way into the crystal room, where other mages are performing a scrying ritual to determine the health of the crystal keeping the Terror banished. The character has in fact been bribed by a foolish Lord from the outside world who thinks the rising of the Terror again will allow him to defeat it and become the world's second hero, winning him devotion from people everywhere. The lord promised this mage that he would make him wealthy.

The character will drop something next to the crystal as he and the other mages leave and as the door closes, and the crystal will begin to fluctuate and crack. This is where I plan to have the animation end.

The guardian's uniform consists of a red robe trimmed with yellow / gold strips. There is also a yellow-gold band diagonally across the chest, used to inform people of their rank and standing within the order. The lowest ranks / initiates have white, the standard disciples have red, the senior ranks have yellow and the leaders wear a pale shade of beige. This man as a senior is trusted with tasks such as overseeing and partaking in the ritual keeping the crystal healthy, which gives him the opportunity to sabotage it.

I produced a character profile for him. He isn't an inherently evil person but he doesn't realize the havoc his actions will cause at the request of a foolish Lord who also doesn't realize he cannot hope to defeat the Terror if it should rise again.

Full name: Keseris Grei
Pronunciation: Kesseriss Grey
Nickname(s) or Alias: Kess
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/07/884
Nationality: Deszeric
Religion: None
City or town of birth: Deszer
Currently lives: Guardian Monastery, Deszer
Long black hair, pale skin, neatly kept facial hair and dark brown eyes.
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Figure/build: Slim body, unused to physical labour. No visible scars.
Hair colour: Black
Hairstyle: Long, straight hair.
Eye colour: Brown
Preferred style of clothing: Red robe uniform of the Deszeric Guardians.
Personality: A quiet, humble man who was accepted into the order as a child, having learned of the old stories of the Saviour's battle against the last Ethereal Terror, though he also has a lust for power that he knew the guardians would be able to teach him if he was accepted, but he kept these intentions to himself.
Likes: Old stories, books, knowledge, fine drinks and rain.
Dislikes: Physically strenuous activity, loud noises, large crowds.
Favourite colour: Red
Hobbies: Reading, practicing his lessons, strolling through the city.
Taste in music: Fond of native Deszeric music typically consisting of ambient, progressive and melodic string instrumentals.
Talents/skills: A skilled Blue Arts magic user, having been in the order of guardians for over a decade, he is one of few in the world capable of using magic.
Describe the character's house/home: A hearthly monastery built out of stone, within a vast expanse of golden wheat fields surrounded by rocky mountains, consisting of a main building with gardens in the middle. Beneath the monastery is the crystal in which the last Ethereal Terror is imprisoned.
Significant/special belongings: A pendant marking him as a member of the guardians.
Level of education: Basic education plus everything he has learned within his years at the order, mostly about magic and the history of it.
Qualifications: Level Six Blue Artist, Level Six Red Artist.
Current job title and description: Guardian of the Order, undertaking day to day activities and errands at the monastery to preserve the knowledge and lessons of the Saviour of Humanity, an ancient mage who saved mankind from extinction at the hands of the Ethereal Terror, who they are now tasked with keeping watch over.
Name of employer: High Guardian Gordric Seminis.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: As an Artist, he is able to use magic - knowledge forgotten to most of the world, and thus has a big advantage in a fight.
Weapon of choice (if any): Magic staff, augments and improves casting capabilities.
Weaknesses in combat: Only able to cast so much a day.
Strengths in combat: Able to deal devastating damage at long range.
Parents names: Davic & Gwendyn Grei
Is the character still in contact with their parents? They write occasionally but rarely see each other.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? No siblings.
Other Important Relatives: None.
Partner/Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Best Friend: Catheris, another mage within the order.
Acquaintances: A Lord of the Empire of Anglen across the Great Sea.
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): He grew up as a fairly normal child but was fascinated by old stories of magic and the tales of the Ethereal Terror, and saw the order as the only thing remaining that could connect him to this ancient history. He decided he would join them at some point so he could be like the hero he idolized.
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): He went through basic education at school though he never did too well because he was still caught up in his fascination with old tales. Whilst the order usually required excellent grades from anyone graduating from school, his keen interest and existing knowledge of the order and it's history surprised the guardians, and they admitted him on his enthusiasm.
Describe their  adult years (20+): He has since become an integral part of the order, one of it's youngest senior guardians, charged with keeping watch on the banishment of the Ethereal Error, teaching the new initiates who are admitted each year, and taking part in the ritual to assess the health of the crystal keeping the Terror banished.

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