Wednesday 22 May 2013

Mages Development

I have thought about the appearance of the protagonists a little more by looking at certain colour palettes and themes. I am unsure whether to go for cold colours or earthy colours. I think it will depend ultimately on the nature of the environment in which they are set, e.g the conditions of the monastery in which they live. I use the word monastery because they do not go there as a day job; maintaing the Terror's banishment and learning the magic ways takes a lifetime of discipline and members are required to leave their former lives behind. Their families are allowed to come and live with them but that rarely happens because it is apparently a rather boring place for them, as they have nothing to do.

The colour certainly has an impact on the aesthetic and connotations. Darker colours make them look more ominous, as they look more evil like cloaked cultists. The green cloak reminds me of druidic things, nature and so on. I like the red, brown and light blue.

So they live a monastic lifestyle. Whilst I have depicted them here in some form of prayer or meditation, they don't have a deity they prey to. But it is always their ambition to bring balance to the world as their founder did nearly a millenium ago.

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