Wednesday 22 May 2013

Monastery Inspiration - Deszer

When coming up with a list of places, architecture and environments to create Deszer and the Deszeric Monastery where the guardians live out there lives, I found some images that influenced how they would appear.

These are the images I looked at and found inspiration from; the setting of the monastery is to resemble Tuscany, in Italy. I find the sunny, blue skies, and rural / pastoral atmosphere to be the perfect place for the Terror to bring disharmony to once he is freed and it will make good comparison when the damage is observed, from the wastelands of 900 years ago to the place it has become today, which I will portray in the first half of the animation.

The Terror will decimate the land and we will see the same land after all the years have passed finally having recovered and restored, returned to life from the burning arrival of the Terror.

The setting is on the Isle of Deszer, a large island surrounded by an ocean that is surrounded by a desert. The only way to get through it if you don't want to walk through the desert and then somehow swim the ocean is to use a long river that flows around the desert nearly twice before it floods into the ocean, through which one could ride a boat. The journey takes a long time and it is a dangerous journey. But Deszer is a beautiful and peaceful place, compared to the outside world. Crime rates are low, satisfaction among the citizens are high and it is lead by a governing body and branch of the Guardians named the Remnants. They make sure everyone has plenty of food, though this is rarely a problem as the citizens get along well and live by the philosophy that a content life with family, friends and good food is a life well lived. They have been an independent city since ancient times. Many outside world forces' armies have tried conquering it, but the natural barriers have defeated half of them before they arrive, and the ones that do make it have found themselves met with the full force of a hundred mages with hundreds of years of practice behind them, a force that could easily defeat armies a hundred times their size. Deszer's respect need not be earned or sought, but it's wrath is certainly not something anyone in the outside world wants.

Deszer is supposed to be a wonderful and brilliant place to live, where life is fair and balanced and there are opportunities for everyone. It is a place of music, good food, and lazy days. My kind of ideal place, really. But it is exactly this atmosphere that is paramount as to why the Second Rising of the Terror is important, because they need to wake up and realize that they're a part of the world and that they're ignoring the warring and death going on outside, and the taint has finally found a way into an influencial mage of Deszer.

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