Thursday 23 May 2013

Practice makes perfect

This is one picture I did recently of a character of my imagining based in the Warcraft universe; a 'pandaren'. It was one of the first time I sat down and set myself to trying to complete as well a drawing as possible. On DeviantArt where I host the picture, I included a brief description as to the process of approaching and completing the drawing.

'I drew it, then was going to uploaded it, then decided to shade it then upload it.. then I coloured it, then- decided to make it greyscale, THEN- added the candle then- added the lighting and THEN I felt happy to upload it.

It was a pretty rough drawing overall but I feel like I've been investing time and effort into pieces that I want to be amazing and not living up to my own expectations. Stuff like this is much more fun and easier to produce and is arguably just as good.'

I still feel the same way about it. The detail in his cloth and the candle received good feedback though I'm just particularly proud of the stance considering I didn't have any reference to go by. I struck a chord of inspiration before doing this drawing and I attribute too much to that. Sometimes I feel that I can't draw if I don't have that same inspiration or can't find it, and I often try to find it through music.

It was mostly improvised but I'm still proud of it and I feel like I am improving. That said there is a lot I could have worked on and I feel I could still work on this drawing and develop it further. For example I made it greyscale partially because I didn't think the standard of the colouring I had done lived up to the line-art, and so I turned it greyscale and it became shaded and far better looking, at least in my own opinion. 

Next time I'll strive to improve on my colouring, something I think I could benefit from greatly. Currently my colours can be very flat.

Same character different drawing method, experimenting with lighting.

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