Wednesday 22 May 2013


I thought I would take a moment to talk about the protagonists of the animation and how they fit into the story alongside the monster.

The protagonists of the project will be a guild, clan or order of mages. These mages were established by the hero who defeated the last Ethereal Terror 912 years ago and are dedicated to maintaining it's banishment, keeping the awareness of it's history alive so the world doesn't fall prey to it again. They are a relatively small order of under a hundred people but they are the last surviving institute of academics for learning magic, thus making them an influential and powerful order in comparison to the rest of the world who go without magic.

They have few allies because they remain impartial to the events of the world, and no enemies because no-one is willing to tempt their wrath. Many have tried asking them of their secrets but they adhere to rules set by the ancient hero, remaining a bastion of goodness and balance in the world.

They live in a monastery in which the banished Ethereal Terror is kept, and their day to day duties involve helping around the city of Deszer, the capital city in which they are based and also the name of the island they live on. The island is surrounded by ocean which is surrounded by desert, making access to it from the outside world very hard. For the same reason it's very hard to get out of Deszer and go elsewhere.

I like where the idea of my protagonists is going and I think the background I have on them so far is very fitting, it's becoming a world in which I can get my hands stuck into.

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