Saturday 18 May 2013

Game Concept

When it comes to developing a game I have considered what is within the realm of my possibility and capability. I figure that having created a game is something many game developers and employers could appreciate as it demonstrates a particularly active interest in the subject besides creating it.

This could include tabletop games, board games, but I'd like to take it a step further and start thinking about what kind of games I could produce. I am confident that with my current skills in Maya and Unity I should be able to produce -something-, but firstly I need an idea. I have been thinking about games in which have a lot of replay value, e.g something that isn't heavily story based.

A fighter game would require producing a lot of animation, but the camera work and controls would be fairly simple. I have thought about producing it with sprites, but even so, there would be a lot of work involved. Perhaps this is true for all video games, but I don't want to be overambitious and embark on a project I may be unable to finish it, I want to start off small and build my way up.

A shooter game would be similar, perhaps requiring even less animation, but the controls and mechanics might be beyond my grasp.

I have been reflecting on old games for this reason in search of inspiration or an idea. Games like Worms, which are relatively simplistic, have the kind of appeal I am looking for, or a most recent example being Angry Birds; very simple gameplay and objectives. In short, I'd like to set to developing an indie game of some sort; a small scale project in which I can create a character, an environment, and an objective for the character to complete, and on a more ambitious level, multiplayer opportunities.

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