Saturday 18 May 2013

Freddie Wong on Filmmaking

Freddie Wong, alongside Brandon Laatsch, is a renowned YouTuber who creates films with a lot of VFX. I have followed his videos for a long time and in this video he reflects on his early days as a filmmaker when he was still in school as a teenager.

He goes into detail on the importance of self criticism and never being satisfied with your work. This is something that I think I can already relate to, to an extent. There are times when I find I am proud of my work but I think I share in Freddie's advice that I ought never to stop trying to improve myself.

He also comments on how he started off 'a lot worse' than most filmmakers do these days. This made me realize that it's easier than ever to make a film with an abundance of software, and countless ways to share and distribute it. I think that in the near future I'll aim to have a camera on me so I can take footage at any moment as he recommends and see if I can make something of it, following his advice and 'just keep making movies'. I'm a fan of Freddie's work and as a filmmaker I share his interests in games and film, and it is empowering and inspiring to hear that I have the same opportunities he had at my disposal, perhaps even greater opportunities because of technological advancements, internet, and software - both free and premium.

Whilst most of this advice I have heard before, I have taken this to heart and will put it into practice myself if it has Freddie's thumbs-up.

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