Wednesday 22 May 2013

This is the final design of the monster; it can change it's size between a hundred and a thousand meters high. It swells in size depending on how much fear and fire is in it's presence. It is an intelligent creature capable of controlling and spontaneously combusting objects. The design for it is meant to render a thin, skeletal and jagged creature that looks like it has been burning for a long time, hence the jagged, ember edges of it's body. It also has embers and smoke constantly emitted from it's body. The middle of it's chest has a whole from which it's heart of fire is located, the magical center of it's body and perhaps it's only weakness; it's heart must be extinguished at which point it will momentarily stop moving and become inanimate until it re-ignites, and how fast it re-ignites depends on how it was extinguished. It can be extinguished and kept from being re-ignited with magic, but that magic has long since been lost and is no longer common knowledge.

Full name: Xexarasix
Pronunciation: Shes-harass-six
Nickname(s) or Alias: The Ethereal Terror
Gender: ??
Species: Celestial Entity
Archetype: Devil
Age: Ancient
Birthday: ??
Nationality: ??
Religion: None
Currently lives: Guardian Monastery, Deszer
A giant, spindly humanoid creature that can shroud mountains with it's shadow, a network of fire flowing through it's obsidian-like body like veins, and it appears to have a very high body temperature, perpetually steaming and smoking as if on fire.
Height: Gargantuan
Weight: Extremely heavy.
Figure/build: Slim, stick-like, spikey and skeletal.
Hair colour: None.
Hairstyle: None.
Eye colour: Yellow, flaming.
Preferred style of clothing: None.
Ethereal Terrors are an intelligent race and are capable of recognizing and assessing a threat. They are not mindless creatures that destroy everything in their path, though they usually will simply because they can. Xexarasix is an ancient being that hid itself away in another plane of existance for countless millenia until it re-appeared one day, an event known as the First Rising. It is malevolent, cruel, and unforgiving.
Likes: Asserting dominance over weaker beings.
Dislikes: Unknown.
Favourite colour: Unknown
Hobbies: None.
Taste in music: None.
Talents/skills: As a gargantuan creature with high intelligence and near limitless strength, and magical capabilities, they are superior to human beings in every way except perhaps their intelligence. Whilst they are smart, they do not build civilizations or technology as humans do.
Describe the character's house/home:  Ethereal Terrors are said to come from the Celestia, an unknown place in the universe. Xexarasix is currently trapped inside a crystal, banished into it after it's defeat at the hands of the Saviour.
Significant/special belongings: None.
Level of education: ??
Qualifications: Unknown, but it's skills in magic far exceed that of any human.
Current job title and description: Prisoner of the Deszeric Guardians.
Name of employer: None
Special skills/magical powers/etc: With some degree of intelligence, amazing strength, gargantuan size and magic powers beyond any human, no human stands a chance against them in a fair fight.
Weapon of choice (if any): Claws.
Weaknesses in combat: None known.
Strengths in combat: Size, intelligence, strength and power.
Parents names: Unknown, but Ethereal Terrors are believed to be only minions of an even greater evil.
Is the character still in contact with their parents? Unknown.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Unknown if Etheral Terrors are related to each other.
Other Important Relatives: None.
Partner/Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Best Friend: None.
Acquaintances: None.
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Unknown
Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): Unknown
Describe their  adult years (20+): Xexarasix was already ancient when he appeared for the first time in history now long lost, when those of Celestia ruled the worlds, during the time of the Great Entities, the manifestations of Good, Evil and Balance. During a time known as the Scouring, mankind found out how to use magic, and heroes rose to banish the Etheral Terrors and other horrors of the world. Xexarasix, though, hid away in an alternative plane of existance. Thousands of years passed until he appeared again, when mankind now inhabited the lands and the ancient hero mages had died off, and he planned to rid the world of them. However, one ancient hero did remain and Xexarasix found himself banished too, as they cannot be killed. The ancient mage tasked his apprentices and those who would learn under them to watch over it.

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