Wednesday 22 May 2013

Guardian Monastery

The animation then cuts to the 'present day', over 900 years later but on the same spot; as you can see the hill is the same shape because it is the same hill, and a structure has been built on and around the crystal. This confirms the founding of the order that the Hero requested, to watch over the crystal and maintain it's banishment, where he taught his magic to his first apprentices - who passed on that knowledge to others. The torch has been handed down generation by generation ever since.

I took inspiration for the architecture and aesthetic from photos and pictures of Tuscany.

To the bottom left there is a corridor with pillars, baskets of flowers hanging from them. This is the corridor through with Keseris will walk on his way to the tower, walking from the left hand side to the right hand side, towards a door.

This marks the end of the illustrated drawings and the beginning of the 'animated' segment, where I will focus more on animating.

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